Enriching Students.
Empowering Teachers.
Building Community.

Turning an ordinary education into a Springer Education.


Enhancing educational opportunities for all students.

The Springer PTA supports students, teachers, and the entire Springer community. We work closely with Springer’s teachers and staff to help meet classroom needs

Springer PTA funding supplements other funding sources to provide many of the educational materials students rely on every day, including books, school & art supplies, software, and STEM materials. The Springer PTA also provides educational enrichment activities such as K-3 music and K-6 art programs, Living Classroom, Project Cornerstone and much more!

This is only possible because of the generous donations and volunteering of our wonderful Springer community. We thank you for your support!


Community Events

Nurturing the Springer community is one of the most important goals of the PTA. Every year, the PTA hosts many events designed to engage and enrich our community, including picnics, sporting events, the walk-a-thon, and spring auction. These events are made possible only through the volunteer efforts of our outstanding community members.


Continuing Education for Teachers

We also provide continuing education opportunities for our amazing teachers to help ensure that they remain among the best educators in the country.

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Classroom Innovation

The Springer PTA promotes innovative approaches to learning in the classroom, and rewards teachers for thinking outside the box in coming up with new ways to engage students. Started in 2019, the Springer PTA Innovation Grant has been available to exceptional teachers eager to explore new ways of engaging students.

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The Springer PTA relies on the generous support of the Springer community, who tirelessly volunteer their time and energy toward making Springer a great place to learn and grow. Learn how you can get involved.

Thank you to our generous 2024-2025 Whole Hive Community Sponsor!


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

president@springerpta.org for general questions or treasurer@springerpta.org for finance inquires